Level 2 Band 10

Hey i failed my Level 2 Band 10. 70 above in —Alt inv, Economics, Derivatives, Equity, Portfolio & Quants

50-70 in— Corporate Finance, Ethics, FRA

Below 50 in— Fixed income securities. Should have i passed? Should i go for a re-check? Thanks.

the only explaiation for this result is that you got low 50 on ethics and FRA. I mean this is a pretty heavy weight topic and if screw them up, it would be a big hit. Sorry about that.

below 50 in FRA but not in ethics. Ethics was in the 50-70 range

Sorry about the confuse, I saw you wrote that you have FRA and Ethics in 50-70 range, and based on your band 10 result, I think you have a score closed to 50 rather than closed to 70 in these topics. That is the only thing I can say.

What I’m coming up from my home-brew analysis is that your score is somewhere between 55% to 83% with a score of 69% as most probable, so it looks like you were truly on the cusp.

My sympathies go out to you. You may take some comfort in that your pass/fail came down to luck as some candidates who passed knew just as much as you did (or even less), but somehow had the fortune to have their guesses happen to be turn out right more often than your guesses.

As far as whether to re-tab, you look like you might be right on the edge, so you could if you wanted to. However, scanning technology is so good nowadays, you may being looking at little probability of success.

Thanks a lot. i guess i should just move on, take this as a motivation and nail it the next time.

Hey i failed my Level 2 Band 10 too.

70 above in —Alt inv, Economics, Equity, Fixed income securities

50-70 in— Corporate Finance, Derivatives, Ethics, FRA, Quant

Below 50 in— Portfolio

I wanted to suicide when I saw my results until I see yours

To pass level 2, you should focus on getting more than 70% in Ethics, FRA and Equity which are the most important topics. That’s what I did, and I got over 70% in all topics except Corp Fin (<50), Quant and Portfolio (<70).

Good luck !

I didn’t get 70% on any of those and still passed. I only got over 70% in Derivatives, Fixed Income, PM, and Econ.

Hope you happy and no want to suicide now.


Hello All, I failed at band 10. Should I try for retabulation with this : >70% - AI, Derivatives, Equity & PM 51% - 70% - FRA, FI & Quant =<50% - CF, Eco & Ethics Please suggest. I tried very hard and was confident too.

Pratibha, It was sad to hear that you failed in Band 10. Very unfortunate. However, you are very close to passing. Don’t give up. Reappear with more preparations and you can pass.

Failed at Band 10. Still going through that agonizing pain in my heart but life goes on I guess… Here’s my breakdown, I don’t think I did that horrible for them to fail me but oh well: Alt Investments: 51 - 70

Corp Finance: 51 - 70

Derivatives: < 50

Economics > 70

Equity: 51 - 70

Ethics: > 70

FRA: 51 - 70

Fixed Income: > 70

PM: < 50

Quant: < 50 I’ve stopped believing Ethics is your ticket to pass if you’re borderline, clearly my result doesn’t reflect that. What do you guys think?

I’ve never believed it, especially for Level II. You probably missed the MPS by only a few correct answers. Your goal for next year should be to get either Equity or FRA (or both) above 70. Do that with the above matrix and you pass. Improve in every subject and you crush it. I recommend the latter. It’s always good to have some cushion. Best of luck next year!

Sorry dude, you are really closed. Good luck next time.

That’s correct, by definition.


I definitely would have gone for a re-tab with Band 10. Even with low chances it still gives you a shot of not having to write it next year. Even if it doesnt work, go for it again next year. I hope everything works out for you guys

Band-10 Level - 2 is excellent and could have gone either way. If you read the grading process of CFA they are very diligent and cross check and retabulate just to ensure that there is no mistake. That is the reason for such a delay aftre the exam. Asking for revaluation is only going to soothe u mentally . Change in result is unlikely.

Thanks babyik, going to reappear next year though it is painful to score 70 above in 6 out of 10 and still end up failing.