CFA 2017 Mock AM - MegaArb

could someone explain to me their interpretation of Q54? The answer shows C but the explanation sounds like A?

I feel the same…help!

Yes yes, at last someone.

I have the same problem with Q54!!

The answer is A exchange of cash flows. Does it show something else to you?

I download the mock, the answer is C. Are you doing it online? what is the answer?

still curious with the answer, up!

The answer is A

answer obviously is A. am i missing anything here?

They have corrected it. In my version printed end of April it’s still C.

Amazing how many mistakes there are in the BBs, TTs and mock too this year. It takes away so much time from us to try and figure out what the problem in certain cases is.

thanks everyone, I guess I need to redo the online mock.