Nature of questions forming part of an Item-set at Level II

I heard that the questions forming part of an item-set at Level II examination stand independent of each other. In other words, an answer to a question forming part of an item-set would not depend on answer to a previous question in the same item-set. Is this true or have you observed any exceptions to this? Please guide. Thanks.

I’d venture to say that that is actually the case for the majority of item sets. They’re mostly questions independent of each other. While multiple questions may refer to the same table of data, they’re for the most part not related.

Thanks Black8Mamba23 for the information.

The intent is that they’re independent.

Thanks S2000magician

My pleasure.

Since I cannot talk about the actual exam, at least in the mock exams I did, some questions were “dependent”. I mean, sometimes, the first step of a question was the answer to the previous one. However, in these cases, and when reading the answers, I saw that everytime there was a way to find the answer without having to start from the answer of the previous answer.

Thanks very much Exam_Taker_Unprepared.