CFA Fail Bands

Does anyone know the difference (in number of questions) between the 10 bands you are classified in if you fail? I received a band 5 for level 2 this year and am trying to gauge how many questions off that would be from a band 10 or pass. I doubt this information is easy to find or calculate but was curious to see if anyone had additional insight.

Given that there are 120 questions and the assumption you’ll need 80-85 to pass. Then as a second assumption let’s say the worst band are candidates who guess EVERY question. Then band 1-10 is 40-80/85 questions. Which means 4 questions per band. I reckon it’s a bit tighter, because probably band 1 is not composed fully of 100% guessing students, but you get the idea. I would say worst case 4 per band, best case 2 per band.

**** that must hurt for a band 10, to be 2-4 questions off…