When reading for level 1, I used the Cfa curriculum, however I hardly looked at the LOS before and after finishing each reading. I decided to change strategy in that regards for Level 2 and Starting with Quants, I decided to try and follow strictly and evaluate myself with each LOS and I noticed that in the EOC there would be some questions on parts of the readings which are not included in the LOS.

For example in Reading for Multiple Regression Model, for violations of Assumptions of Multiple Regression Model, the LOS narrowed it down to understanding and explaining the causes and effect of conditional heteroskedasticity and also serial correlation. It never made mention of learning how to test for these violations and correcting these violations. Meanwhile in the EOC, questions were asked on this .

In summary, the LOS is then not to be followed to the letter, Anyone else noticed this?

Have you noticed that End of Chapter questions can combine more than one LOS in one Item Set question? I will follow LOS but if you read Curriculum Text books, you will understand that how far should you go from an LOS.

I prefer to learn. I am having fun.