Pension calculation

So I can do all the qbank questions from schweser asking about balance sheets, expenses, funding status, and what happens if assumptions change.

I’m now browsing cfai material and see all these pension calculations which are multi-step time value of money and annuity calculations… though not super hard, it will take some practice to get the service costs, interest costs, etc correctly calculated.

Realistically, are these more involved pension calculations likely to be on the test rather than the simplistic Schwiser test questions?

I think if you are talking about schweser end of chapter concept questions then those are really “concept checkers”. (That’s what it says isn’t it). It is not supposed to mimic a real life test question. I found that that CFAI end of chapter questions are much real representation of what an exam question should look like.(not that I have seen a real life question, but it feels like it). Yes the pension costs are multi step calculations and we need to remember them for the real test. I don’t think you should skip CFAI end of chapter questions at least for FRA (even if you are following schweser).

To add that concept wise schweser materials looks fine to me. Its just the questions I am talking about. (if you see the schweser mock tests those are pretty close to real test).