Studying with ADHD

I have pretty bad ADHD so it takes me a while to get through the readings/material. Does anyone else here struggle from this problem and how do you cope with it? I do not have any prescription medicine either.

I am a slow reader too (though don’t have any particular medical condition), started my Level 1 with the intend to go through notes first and then watch the videos; but it didn’t work out, so i simply changed the strategy to, watch videos and practice Qbank. It saved time and worked for me.

I have not been officially diagnosed with ADD or similar, but I think I suffer from that. I read slow, need some time and strong willing for prolongate concentration. However, self commitment is what make you pass through problems like this.

When I was younger I had ADD. I was eventually taken off the ADD medicine because I didn’t have it anymore. I still think I have it because I’m easily distracted and my mind wanders a lot. I’m happy if I can do two hours of studying each day.