Need help with math equation

I can’t seem to find a way to solve this equation. Can someone break it down for me please

Interest rate swap

SFR3/1.03 + SFR3/ (1.042) + SFR3/(1.053) + 1/(1.053) =1

They somehow got SFR3 to equal 4.93%, but I am getting different numbers

What I do is solve for 1/(1.053) = .86384

1-.86384 =.13616

now my equation looks like

SFR3/1.03 + SFR3/ (1.042) + SFR3/(1.053) = .13616

Now I just multiple the other side by the denominator

.13616*1.03 * (1.042) *(1.053) = SFR3 + SFR3 + SFR3

SFR3= 5.853%

LOL I know this is wrong, cause the book says so. Please help me learn this

SFR3/1.03 + SFR3/ (1.042) + SFR3/(1.053) + 1/(1.053) =1

0.97087 SFR + 0.92456 SFR + 0.86384 SFR +0.86384 = 1

2.75927 SFR = 0.13616

SFR = 0.0493

You didn’t substitute 0.13616 for 1 on the RHS and your cross multiplication RHS should have been (1.042) *(1.053) * SFR + (1.032) *(1.053) * SFR + 1.03* (1.042) * SFR

Here goes:

SFR3/1.03 + SFR3/1.042 + SFR3/1.053 + 1/1.053 =1

SFR3/1.03 + SFR3/1.042 + SFR3/1.053 =1 − 1/1.053

SFR3(1/1.03 + 1/1.042 + 1/1.053) = 1 − 1/1.053

SFR3 = (1 − 1/1.053) / (1/1.03 + 1/1.042 + 1/1.053)

SFR3 = (1 − 0.8638) / (0.9709 + 0.9246 + 0.8638) = 0.049347 = 4.9347%

In general:

SFR = (1 − zn) / Σ_zi_

This humbled me. I feel small right now. Sorry about that, I think I messed up when I typed it. I updated the .13616. Thank you

Wow. damn. wow. thank you sir.

My pleasure.