Read full vignette or read it by questions?


I am just wondering how you guys deal with the vignettes.

Do you guys read the entire vignette first and go onto the questions or you read as go?

I have been making small summary notes for each question as I go through but I am not sure if this is waste of time.

What would you recommend to do?

thanks in advance

I read the questions, then scan the vignette for the section that pertains to the question… Sometimes I overlook some details that are hidden in other sections… Tricky!!!

Oh thanks, I think that’s a good idea to go to the questions first and then vignette!

Same story for me, I overlook some details too… I should try your method, ta

I usually skip the first few lines…

“John Farvy, CFA, is an investment analysis … yada yada yada”…

Usually, I read the first and second paragraph, then I read the first question and check if the first 2 paragraphs contain all the information that I need to answer the first question. If so, I answer the first question, read the third paragraph, check the second question, see If the third paragraph has all the information that I need to answer the second question, and so go on…

I usually take a deep breath then a shot of tequila. Gets the npv button on my ba ii really workin

I read questions then uses the relevant paragraph in the vignette, except for Ethics , i read the first paragraph then start with the questions to get an understanding who are these people they are talking about.

Summary notes!?! We can’t be taking the same exam…