Writing The Exam As A Lefty - Fear Of PCP Violation

Hey guys, so I was reading a post in lvl III about a guy who got PCP investigated for cheating despite being innocent and fears he won’t be able to continue CFA. As a left-hander, the way I set up my answer sheet/question booklet is super weird (well i assume it must be to right handers). But basically, if anything it puts my answer sheet in complete view of the person to my left as opposed to me being having an easier view. I’ve seen test proctors come to my row and just stare at me for a long while mid exam. I also noticed a proctor continuously trying to make eye contact (though in hindsight she could have been checking me out). It could also be me being 1 of a handful black test-takers in the entire center so I “stand-out” more.

Quite frankly, with the adrenaline I have while taking the exam, I literally forget that any other test-takers even exist much less trying to peak at their answersheet lol.

*Could I make a request to CFA to take the exam being in the leftmost chair in the row? I think this would be the best solution.*

Also to be clear, I haven’t gotten a PCP violation for Level 1 or 2 but i’m just thinking about the future and it’s possibilty.