Kaplan weekly classes


Just wondering if anyone is attending the Kaplan Schweser weekly webinars and how they are finding them. This is the third week of listening to BJ Tolia over a 3 hours session and it is starting to feel like a waste of time. The sessions give new meaning to the word cramming.

Having already covered the materials prior to the webinar each week I have planned to use these as a revision session but I am not loving the concept explanations…

Thinking about re-allocating these three hours a week to something more productive and really looking for someone on this forum to sway me otherwise.



I feel exactly the same Batman… I have done the exact same thing, study the content beforehand and then use the webinar as revision. Sat through the whole 3 hours and found myself feeling the same way you did and it gets to a point in which I slowly start to turn off some brain cells and go “auto pilot” mode because I just dont get any value from it.

Constantly feeling that I would be getting much more of my time if I did bunch of Qbanks as revision instead of listening to BJ Tolia for 3 hrs (I mean no disrespect, he really knows his lore and he is a good teacher, is not about who sits at the other end of the camera but the core idea and design of the webinar).

Seating through Fin Report & Analysis and Corporate finance did feel like a waste of time (Quant was like 50-50 for me) so Im really hoping things change up a bit for Equity. I may skip next class and see how I do on my own and then go back and watch if there is any value in it. Good think is that there is little risk in skipping one cause you can always go back and re-watch it.

Surely worth it for the opening song? 2017 classes had some serious tunes!

L2 just has so much material, the classes are rapid fire!

Hey Luisjgs00,

I have ended up doing this, now sit down for 3 hours and just smash out Qbank Qs rather than watching the webinar. Although I do watch the first 5mins to get an idea of topic weights expected in the exam :grin:

Rapid fire indeed, serious word vomit. It’s like a three hour cut scene from Team America - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKqGXeX9LhQ