Length of Schweser Level 2 Books

Hey, guys; I just passed level 1, and I won’t have the Schweser books for another week or two. I am trying to make a study plan ASAP though because I am still in undergrad school, so this is going to be a crunch to prep by June. The level 1 materials were around 1200 pages of reading material; can any of you tell me how many pages total up in the level 2 Schweser materials? Any approximation or even if Level 2 is simply more or less pages than Level 1 would be much appreciated!


Book 1 ≈ 330 / Book 2≈ 350 / Book 3≈ 250 / Book 4≈ 220 / Book 5≈ 220

So all in all amounts for around≈ 1370-1400, considering that there are included module quizzes, topic assessments and end of chapter summaries maybe a bit less but they also require some time investment so you shouldnt count them out either.