The secret

To my secret fan:

I’m glad you were so inspired to actively search my AF name in the search function. You’ve left quite a trail of indiscriminate down votes on many of my posts in a span of minutes and in posts from this week all the way back for years. No matter the subject matter, you felt empowered with the down vote. I think disagreement can foster very productive discussions.

Since it appears you disagree with a great deal of what I write (I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt), let’s use this thread for you to air out your laundry and ask me questions about topics about which I’ve posted. I’m sure there is room for valuable discussion in this thread.


Note: another possibility is that you’re being downvoted by some cowardly jerk who wouldn’t come here and identify himself for $5.

(Yes, I expect this post to get a downvote. Color me shocked.)

Can I get $5 if I say that was me?

What is the purpose of the up/down voting system on AF? Unless I’m missing something it seems to add absolutely no benefit to the forum at all apart from the self-gratification of the insecure and immature who no doubt feel a sense of satisfaction at being able to ‘thumbs down’ a post or opinion that counters their own.

This is a great question. Many forums only have a thumbs up/like feature because those insecure people won’t go around mashing buttons for no reason.

I started this thread with the hope that something productive manifests. Whether we have a good discussion that changes some features, or whether the anonymous down voter comes by to chat, either would be great!

Don’t feed the troll. He/she won’t show up.

It’s a little unfortunate (for them) the sense of “power” they feel they have with a down vote button :stuck_out_tongue:… they’re putting to much pride in their internet justice :sunglasses:

The same thing happened to me. I don’t get it really, every post I make is straight FIRE. Like this one down below for example.

edit: also, I remember you from last year. Greatly helped me with the quant at level 2. Ended up passing that section with my eyes closed.

I’m glad you thought it was helpful!

I did notice S2000 had a very high tumps up but one day crashed to a double digit negatives… but somethow he always clumbs back to the positive… tickersu, u crashed negative but no one votes u back to positive… same with you CEO.

I also have much more limited activity than I used to and don’t post as often. When I looked at the down vote history, there were a couple big runs on a bunch of my posts, mostly centered around when I came online to make one post, and then the current post and some old would be down voted. Made me think someone saw my name then searched but only when I popped up.

Either way, I don’t care about the votes, my intention was to fix it if people thought I sucked, but if it’s just one sad sack, I don’t care :grin: