need advice

i ate an early lunch today (lack of breakfast this morning) and now i feel like the afternoon is never-ending.

Eat dinner now. Then evening will never end…not such a bad thing.

How much milk are you drinking? Sometimes too much or too little can give one that never-ending feeling. If you think it would help I could send you a Doostang invitation. Try switching from Schweser to Stalla. BTW I see a lot more of this on L3; try posting there.

Try to remember the name of the two land masses that were formed when Pangea broke apart. No searches!

Nola, do like I do and head to the bathroom for a little 2:00 “pick-me-up”. You’ll be good to go for at least a couple of hours (assuming it’s not stepped on twenty times).

> Eat dinner now. Then evening will never end…not such a bad thing. +2 > If you think it would help I could send you a Doostang invitation. -2 (jk… i laughed)