study question

are you guys more stay up late to study, or wake up early before work? i stay up late, probably a habit i picked up in uni, but i dont know if thats the way to go after failing. is there best time to do it ? i need an edge.

Surely now that must be a highly individual thing. Personally I preferred to study in the morning, when I got the habit of getting up at 5am I got used to it and that way I used the prime time on myself rather than spending it in the office. Then I studied at night also, but more so to get an overview of the material, and nothing that required too much concentration.

monday: 5am-7am study, 8am-5pm work tuesday: 5am-7am study, 8am-5pm work, 7pm-9pm study or sports wed-day: 5am-7am study, 8am-5pm work thursday: 5am-7am study, 8am-5pm work, 7pm-9pm study or sports friday: 5am-7am study, 8am-5pm work saturday: 7am-10am study sunday: free Rest of the time: wife and kid

^^how many months do you give yourself ?

I started monday october 1 and my plan is better planned than last year, when i passed L1. I believe it’s a good idea to start early. By doing that I can relax a little bit more in springtime and enjoying my family.

i like your time table. I prefer to read in the mornings rather than having to read a page twice bec i am sleepy in the eve…

I tried an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening then a few hours each weekend day. I think a mistake I made was never taking a day off. I tried to study every stinking day no matter what. I should have taken a break once in a while to recharge the batteries.