schweser slides

during the first online session Andrew Holmes showed a book of the slides used for the lectures. I don’t really want to print the slides out every week. is there a slide book that schweser offers?

None that I have heard of. You must be taking another seminar, the only book that was shown during the seminar I saw was Tim Smaby holding up one of the original ones from CFA Institute.

just use schweser videos on 16 CDs

lxada269 The slides from the Online Weekly class are in a Workbook that accompanies the Live Weekly classes in various cities. The Online class has the slides online only. I don’t think the workbook from Live Weekly class can be purchased separately…but you could always call up Schweser and ask…please let us know if it IS possible. thanks… sylwester The Schweser video CDs come with a workbook but those slides are different (slightly less detailed) than the ones used in the Weekly Online class…

I heard him say that during class last week too but then Jodi posted something on the board right away saying they were available by download only. He seems like a good teacher though, should be easier to listen to for the 3 hours.