swiching between subjects

I tend to switch between subjects for concentration and motivation purposes. Do you do the same?

Oh yes. I can’t concentrate on any one topic for too long. 2-3 days on the same topic is my maximum tolerance level.

^^ Agreed. I try to study one topic during the day and then work problems on a different topic that night. Keeps things fresh and also is a better test of retention than working the problems right after reading the material.

i consider learning topic by topic as making it easier to forget th ealier ones. So i bag two topics say Quant and Econs at a time. Even there i break my typical days into two high quality time, low quality time. High quality is for ‘killing’ the snake - ensuring i grasp the concepts and solve questions to consolidate understading. for me it is dawn fresh from sleep some time before work. low quality times, i use to get an overview of a mateiral prior to diving deep - readingthrough LOSs in qbank, listening to the audio CDs, and i use that to do AF plus mundane stuff like preparing me breakfast or catching sleep etc