CFAI end of chapter questions

Is it me or them CFAI end of chapters questions are tough? I have finished my first run and all of the Stalla questions. But when I started my review doing some FRA Qs from CFAI text, I found them to be much tougher and I was barely getting 65%. Is anyone else experiencing this? Am I SOL? Should I start panicking now?

don’t panic. just make them step by step. stay calm. nothing to worry about.

Yes, CFAI end of chapter questions are a lot longer and more in-depth on average. So it takes longer to solve them but the payoff is probably higher too. I am almost done all the CFAI questions and my impression is that, these questions did a better job in enforcing understanding of concepts and I feel a lot more confident after I realize all the limitation in my Schweser’s notes. Also, Schweser’s concept checkers seem to be designed with the goal of memory retention in mind. Some of these CFAI questions are just plain excessive. e.g. one question in Equity asks you to do a full regression analysis and the infamous question in Treynor-Black asks you to go through the whole asset balancing process.