"Under Local Society Review"?

My membership application has been “Under Local Society Review” for like 2 months. CFAI has approved for regular membership. It says “days remaining: 5”. Has anyone else had this problem? Do I need to call the local society and tell them to get their ass in gear?

just be thankful you got approved! but seriously, you may want to call local

I called CFAI a while back…once your 5 days are up…my understanding is that you are automatically approved. In my case…I went through the application process…CFAI initally rejected my work experience…so I did the following Reject CFAI work experience—they recommended me as an affiliate member. Local society review—took 22 days…they approved activated and paid dues resubmited work experience, applied for upgrade next day CFAI approved my work experience, now it is under local society review AGAIN…decision days remaining 45.

jasonms, what type of work experience initially was rejected, and how did you change it to get reapproved? just got denied myself. thanks

ng30, I work as a financial advisor, and CFAI felt my description was too brief…I had put about 40 words or so and they initially rejected it…changed it to about 150-200 words and they accepted it.

ahh, ok nice. so your experience was directly applicable. my first job was back office, so i’m trying to explain how it’s relevant. thanks.