What's the difference between

…Equity Market Neutral HF Strategy and Hedged Equity HF Strategy?

Market Neutral eliminates systematic risk (Beta = zero or close)… Hedged equity is just long/short, but doesn’t necessarily seek to eliminate systematic risk (i.e. can tilt towards mostly short or mostly long)

Thank You and what’s the difference between Currency Overlay and Separate Asset Allocation techniques of Currency Risk Management

Currency Overlay manager will manage currency component of the portfolio but within the overall objectives and constraints of the IPS. Seperate Asset Allocation: under this, the currency component is managed seperately with its own objectives as an asset class.

“TerminatorX”… part of a late-80’s rap classic. Anyway, in Currency Overlay you hire a separate manager who is experienced in F/X to manage the currency exposure within the existing portfolio (i.e. not add to overall risk). In Separate Asset Allocation, you are investing in a fund that attempts to earn alpha through currency management. Note the distinction, because with Currency Overlay you are trying to just mimic a passive benchmark.
