For Sale

Partial 12 pack of Red Bull. Highest bidder will get the Red Bull and a vintage edition White, Sondie, & Fried financial statement analysis text book.

When considering your bid size, keep in mind what reviewers said about this classic book: "I have read this book several times because it was lucky enough to be selected as part of the CFA curriculum. Out of all the accounting texts that I have read, this is by far the worst. I found myself reading and rereading this book several times just to make sense of it, not to mention the fact that I was continually calling upon friends that work as accountants for help. This book even managed to confuse them. I’m sure that there is a wealth of good information in this book; the problem is that you may have to read it five times before you decipher it. "

you should store the red bull for before the next harvest or cfa exam. Price will go up, and storage cost should be relatively low.


I still get Red Bull jitters around this time of day now that I went cold turkey.

you sure you want to give up your convenience yield?

convenience yield will cease come august …

god… we are suuuuch losers. The CFA has poisoned our cool… I just lol’d at 4 curriculum references hahah awesome.

the bid will be negative. the book is outdated. remember cfa is going ifrs now. after re-arranging and re-shuffling, u pretty much cannot find anything in financial statements. red bull? storage cost is greater than convenient yield, while risk free rate is 0.25 and that is nominal.

For those that started the program long enough ago the White Sonhi Fried book will have sentimental value. What a piece of cr@p, from cover to cover.