Who here likes doing equity research?

Do people actually love doing this? Would anyone here research stocks on their own time for their own private enjoyment for no tangible financial benefit? I’m just curious. I can do the work but find it to be painful, laborious, and time consuming. I did some research reports in school for MBA. I can’t say I exactly like it, but given sufficient financial incentives I could probably learn to like it, or at a minimum put up with it. Please no comments like…“hey your a level 3 candidate!!!, what do you mean you don’t like research, you just wasted 3 yrs of your life!!! hahahaha”

I love doing it. LOVE IT. Its not my job, but i like it.

riyaz loves equity research

Finance MBA, I am sort off with you. I started CFA cuz everyone around me was talking about it. So I was like, why not give it a shot. Big mistake, I am not a big fan of research and I did a research internship, and absolutely detested it. Maybe not my cup of tea to sit around all day at a desk looking for data and compiling it and analyzing it etc, which was what I was doing. Currently, working with a couple of start-up companies, and absolutely loving it. Doing the grunt work is really appealing to me and I feel I am learning a lot more about how things work. Maybe head for an MBA in the near future and work in company as opposed to a pure finance job.