AF Proposition: CFA L3 Study Materials

**Edit: here is the url from below:

Hi Fellow L3ers, I hope everyone is making progress (or gearing up to start) on studying for the June exam. As I was reading through the material today I had the thought of creating a set of video lessons for some of the more difficult study sessions to share with the AF community (and to help me better retain/internalize the material!).

I’m putting it to the forum to see if there’s any interest. If there is, post the study sessions you want me to create a video for and I’ll draw something up and post it on YouTube.

**Note: Everything is fair game but if it’s one of the later study sessions, I might not get to it until I finish my first read-through of the curriculum.

commodites would probably be useful for many. I found the 2012 section poorly written and confusing,

if you can explain portfolio attribution in the most simplest manner. And show the different calculations. That section drives me nut.

Hi guys, I ended up putting this together:

Instead of a video it’s a presentation that you can work through at your leisure (works well on smartphones/tablets too). Hit ‘s’ on your keyboard to bring up the detailed notes for a slide.

I just have Alternative Investments up for now but I have ~10 readings that are close to finished. Let me know what you think… is this helpful? Would you prefer more/less detail?

If this is something that is value-add for enough people I’ll start cranking out more of these with the goal of covering most, if not all, of the curriculum by the June exam.

Edit 1: I’ll send out an email blast when I put up a new set of readings, so if you want that reminder you’ll need to sign up for an account.