Why a separate Asset Manager code?

Reading through the Asset Manager Code section, I strongly feel that CFAI could have reused the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct (SPC) for individuals, with appropriate small additions and subtractions because we are dealing with firms (e.g. remove individual Std VII for CFA designation). What is the point in rearranging SPC so that independance and objectivity now falls under loyalty to clients instead of professionalism, or market manipulation falls under investment process instead of integrity of capital markets? Are they deliberately trying to scramble Level III candidates’ brains?

The GIPS atrocities were not enough, so CFAI textbook writers continue loving their mothers some more.

because not everyone is in asset management.

OK, maybe the title was misleading.

Why can’t the Asset Managers’ Code be an edited, but NOT rearranged, version of Standards of Professional Conduct? As far as I can see, the individual topics have a huge overlap. What’s the point in rearranging topics under different headings in a different order?

I am not disputing that Asset managers needs their own code, or arguing that code for firms should be the same as code for individuals. Or that there is 100% overlap. Just asking for a little common sense.