“Assuming market value of the current portfolio remains unchanged”

Hello - Assume the following:

  • Market Value of the portfolio today is: $1,000,000
  • Clients have a return goal of 4%
  • Inflation is 3%

If the question reads: “Assuming the market value of the current portfolio remains unchanged”.

What would the market value of the portfolio be at the end of 5 years? In other words, would be grow the portfolio at 7% (or 7.12%), or would the Market Value of the portfolio still be $1,000,000?

Thank you.

We cannot say; is the return staying in the portfolio (in its entirety), or are the clients taking some out to cover expenses?

At first glance, I assume they are meaning that the real value of the portfolio is maintained and returns are taken out as we go. However you don’t give us much to work with.

Thank you for the responses. I was equally as unsure about what it meant. The answer key grew the portfolio at the client’s target rate plus inflation. I had no idea why.

Below is the response I got from the source. I’m wondering if this this is something that sounds familiar to anyone who’s looked at past CFAI tests.

" Assuming market value of the current portfolio remains unchanged" means that in 5 years to retirement,

 There is no purchases of new shares/securities;

 There is no sale of shares/securities;

 No reinvested income e.g. no cash or reinvested dividends in the portfolio;

 Also, no short- and long-term capital gain distributions earned in the portfolio. In other words, no gains/losses

==> gains (losses) tend to increase (decrease) the market value.