"CFA Claritas"

Just saw someone on Linkedin with “CFA Claritas” right next to their name… I thought Claritas wasn’t a designation per say?

I think Claritas is just a certificate. They clearly didn’t include the 15 or so pages on how you can refer to yourself in the claritas curriculum like they do in the CFA.

I see people now “Mike Jones, Claritas CFA” in their email signature and resume.

To some folks it might sound like an elevated level of the charter.

oh boy. here we go

that really sucks but will be addressed by CFAI sooner or later. They should revoke someones Claritas certificate if they get caught doing that…

Saw a LinkedIn profile today for a “Jane Doe, MBA, CFA Claritas”

Seems like an obvious attempt to misrepresent herself and the Claritas certificate.

This can’t be happening! surprise

I am a CFA Level IV? :smiley:

What if this person became a charter holder? It would be awkward to have “Jane Doe, MBA, CFA, CFA Claritas”. I think this should be rectified quickl…

No one should be putting CFA Claritas after their name. Rather it should be a bullet point on a resume, such as “I earned the Claritas® Investment Certificate issued by the CFA Institute.” Hopefully people stop doing this soon, since it is misleading and people not familar with either the CFA program or the Claritas® Investment Certificate could assume it is like graduating Summa Cum Laude.

got my claritas, have been making $180k last year. ladies love cool claritas

CFA should have grades like CFA reguler , CFA plus, CFA premium and CFA super.

regular = passed multiple attempts

Plus = passed all three level on first attempt

Super = passed all three with score > 70 in all section

Premium = super + also have CFA claritas.

Going to go for the Claritas once I get my charter just for good measure in the event people start viewing it as more elite than plain “CFA” which is now a doime a dozen.

Per CFAI, cannot use Claritas as a designation. Can only claim you have earned the certificate. From CFAI:


  1. The Claritas mark should not be used as a designation. Once you have been officially notified by CFA Institute that you have passed the examination, you have the right to make the following statement: “Awarded the Claritas Investment Certificate” The Claritas® mark should not be used after an individual’s name, or to describe an individual. Improper John Smith, Claritas John Smith is a Claritas certificant Proper John Smith earned the Claritas® Investment Certificate.

That’s fine . . . as long as John Smith is paying attention to the rules.

My sentiments exactly LOL…