Additional Resources For Currency Risk Mgmt?

Hi all,

I recently watched the Schweser videos on options and found them to be really helpful in conceptualizing the concepts rather than memorizing formulas. I would REALLY like to watch similar videos on the currency risk management section (since I think that’s the hardest section thus far) but unfortunately it doesn’t look like schweser has any videos for that. Could anybody recommend additional videos/resources they’ve used to help understand the currency risk mgmt section?


I’ve pretty much gone through all the material, and I feel by far the least confident with the currency sections. If anybody could offer some advice I would greatly appreciate it. Again, I found the schweser videos on options to be extremely helpful, so if anybody knows of something like that for currency that would be amazing.

215 I could use help with this section as well.

The videos are given by schweser Level wise . You have to find the video pertaining to specifically your requirement .The currency risk manament section is a part of both Level 1 and Level 2 . You have to find out your requirement and order the videos accordingly. or you can contact somebody in different forums who can share the videos with you.
