Assessing manager performance through state objective

Schweser reading 32 concept checker 11ii we have the below: Kappa Asset management: -Interest rate management effect: Duration 0.23 Convexity -0.03 Yield-curve change 0.16 -Other management effects: Sector 0.04 Bond selection 0.23 Transaction costs 0.00 -Trading activity return 0.07 -Total return 1.78

Bond Portfolio Benchmark: -Interest rate management effect: Duration 0 Convexity 0 Yield-curve change 0 -Other management effects: Sector 0 Bond selection 0 Transaction costs 0 -Trading activity return 0 -Total return 1.08

Answer says The statement that Kappa’s strategy is to immunise against interest rate exposure (incorrect) and to yield positive contribution through bond selection (correct) is partially correct. I get that bond selection for Kappa (0.23) is above Benchmark (0) so they satisfy that objective, but which line are we looking at to say that immunising against interest rate exposure is incorecct?

Hi, are there any answers on the above please?

if they were immunizing against interest rate exposure - they would have no “interest rate management effect” - since immunizing your portfolio would mean being lock step in change with the interest rate environment. They have a positive contribution of 0.36 (0.23 - 0.03 + 0.16) due to interest rate management effect.

Thank you cpk!