
Can you please check the type of error you see when you try to register. If all you see is the long error then it means a pass for people who see it. If all you see is the short error then it means a pass BUT if some see long and some see short then this theory is disapproved.

Please people Im starting to have nightmares of short and long computer lingo errors I cant sleep!!

We’ve established that the errors mean nothing. Go away, troll

As audacious pointed out in another thread, the cfai may not be the most tech-savvy org in the world. But if the nature of the error message was certain ‘tell’ as to pass/fail, they most certainly would have done something about it now.

The error message is not a tell as to pass/fail. Just ask jordanesque and wct2010.

dont waste your time…

You have already successfully completed the CFA Program and may not register again. Please contact us if you have any questions

Ok thank you and have a goodnight I`m going to sleep now…