Kaplan Live Class vs Kaplan On Demand Class

I have been using the on demand Kaplan classes after I finish the corresponding reading and was wondering if it is worth watching the live classes? Has anyone been using both and can make a recommendation? I skimmed the live slides and they look to overlap with the on demand so I didn’t think I was missing anything. Another reason I haven’t used them is they started too late, I just finished AI and they are on economics, so I would have to go out of order from what I’m reading and watching those videos.

Any insight would be appreciated.


I think he described it as the on demand stuff is more in depth, but the live class he applies it with examples and you can ask questions. I would say areas that you struggle with, watch the live class. But the mentor session are nice because I really wanted something that tells you how to answer essay questions specifically. Literally write “abc” and you are right or wrong. and why.

I am registered for bi-weekly live (starting on September 2016), already at Equity i think.

yeah…sometimes the live version 70-80% more short & give the example like almostdone point out above.

i also think live version will be 100% done by David, thats not the case for On Demand.

I used both for levels I and II and am doing the same for level III. I doubt there is harm in attending classes even though you are ahead in the material. That’s been my case for all 3 levels so far.

The classes for me just help reinforce the material. What else are you going to do on a Thursday night???

I just don’t want it to be too repetitive when I could be doing something like BB & EOC.

Based on my samplings, my thoughts are that if one gets the chance to pre-edit something, they get to make it more condensed without the timeframe of a class.

The classes are recorded live which means based on the speed on the various sections, all errors go through and they are framed toward a class time. Also questions as addressed will affect the timing.

mostly (around 80%) i also skipped the others if already watched one of them.

In all 3 levels so far I never found BB and EOC helpful. I used them when going through the material but never went back to them - I preferred to stick to lectures and practice exams. The weekly classes and the final 3 day review were much more helpful to me. Beating the material into my head through lectures has always been my learning style though.

I’m not going back and doing questions out of schedule. What I was saying is if I’m studying a topic this week, I do the on demand video after the reading on the weekend, then questions all week. So I wasn’t sure if the live videos were materially helpfully. It doesn’t sound like anyone is saying they are substantially more helpful in relation to the on demand…

I have to actually work problems for it to stick in my head, so that’s why I wouldn’t want to double-down on videos that are relaying the same information.

See I’m the other way around. I have to have it beaten in my head 4 or 5 times for me to be able to properly answer questions which is why tripling down with the on demand videos, weekly classes, and the 3 day review works for me. Then I just use practice exams to polish up.

It depends on your learning style. Sounds like yours is opposite of mine so you are probably better off using the three hours on Thursday nights doing something more productive…

so in terms of missing content, were there many things not covered in lecture? I feel like the lecture covers 85% of the books, but he does say he’s only going over the most important things. Just wondering in your experience has that been true?

I have been doing the biweekly Live class, Early start version. I like it a lot and find it really helpfull. He cuts through a lot of the BS and explains things pretty well. Also, he does a lot of the CFA text EOC questions during the class so it gives you extra practice, and it is always helpful to hear what he says to focus on for answers.

Haven’t done many on demand videos. I find doing the class helps explain any parts I have problems with. I don’t actually watch them live though. I have to pause the video to take extra notes and don’t like being rushed, so I don’t get the added benefit of being able to ask questions but haven’t really had any that aren’t answered.

eh you aren’t missing much. you can also email him through dashboard and he responds next business day