How in depth are the IPS questions?


I’ve read from a few sources that you need to form an IPS in the morning section of the exam. However, after looking at some prior morning exams, I only see questions worth like 4 minutes, 6 minutes etc. I haven’t seen a question that asks me to build an IPS from scratch. Is there such a question or have I been misled?


You haven’t been misled. There is no guarantees but you should know how to build an IPS from scratch as it’s covered in the curriculum.

Well in the exam the scratch is the template. So imagine 7 cells to fill up with return and risk objectives plus 5 constraints. The IPS itself is not the challenge but picking up information from the passage and mapping it to the IPS template.

If you’re looking for tough do Schweser; it has questions worth 30-40 marks.

Deep as the Mariana Trench.

the questions from 2016-2013 are pretty indicative of what to expect… nothing groundbreaking but when you see it for the first time in the exam setting there is always a (aha/gotcha) moment… it will take you longer than the stated minutes

You used to have to construct the IPS but these days it’s now just part of it. I think they probably thought it was quite a lot of marks for what is quite similar each year and now prefer to test more broadly.

The IPS is something to nail though. I think if you can get this section down then you are a long way towards passing L3.