TIMES UP! (Just Kidding, Details in Thread)

Hi all,

I hope my subject title caught your attention. Hopefully no one will be tempted to keep writing after that message on actual exam day :slight_smile:

I wanted to get a second opinion on this. As the exam is approaching, I think I have time to do one or the other. Based on the choices below, what would you suggest?

Option A

Do/Review 2 past AM sessions of the exam

Option B

Do/Review the CFAI morning and afternoon mock exam item sets.

I am leaning towards Option A because it would help me get accustomed to the essay format unique to this level, but Option B covers more of the testable topics because the AM sessions seem to focus heavily on portfolio management (I know it’s a big topic but still).

Good luck.

blitz, just do maybe 1 (at most) past AM exam (either 2015 or 2016), then spend the rest of the time reviewing the CFAI answer guidelines. The mock itemsets may or may not reflect the real exam, IMO.

I took a brief look and saw that it is all multiple choice case studies, is that not the what the PM section is? If you could elaborate, I would appreciate it.

Just finished grading my AM session using the 2016 past exam and got 49%. RIPPPPP

50% AM with 80% PM is likely to *just* squeak by with a PASS.
