Bullet points/essay answers

Hi Guys,

I know that this issue comes up every year, but did I make a mistake by not using bullet points and using essay style answers instead? I read that the CFA “manual” suggest to use bullet points but I was afraid that I might not be able to get through my points in that way properly, so even though I used some bullet points for some of my answers, in general I was writing sentences and telling a story. It caused me time management problems obviously, but other than that was it a mistake?

At first I thought that the graders only give you max score if they see that you understand the topic etc., but now I start to think that they are indeed just looking for key phrases (I guess it is way more efficient that way to grade the exams) and I am afraid that they will not read my responses just because they are not in bullets. Should I be afraid of this?

Bullet points are acceptable, not a must. If you knew what you wrote, why should be a problem?

I don’t recall many instances where bullets were necessary. Any time the asked for 2 reasons, etc. They had split the page in half

I don’t think it should be a problem as long as answers are relevant. Even i took the same approach (although i have used bullets also where so ever appropriate), as one line answers are some time open to interpretation, adding more relevant content to justify/explain should be a plus.

I used barbell, not bullet. We’ll see.

Too much reinvestment risk for my taste. :wink:

haha…that’s clutch. i like it :slight_smile:

  • I know that this issue comes up every year, but did I make a mistake by not using bullet points and using essay style answers instead?
  • I read that the CFA “manual” suggest to use bullet points but I was afraid that I might not be able to get through my points in that way properly, so even though I used some bullet points for some of my answers, in general I was writing sentences and telling a story.
  • It caused me time management problems obviously, but other than that was it a mistake?
  • At first I thought that the graders only give you max score if they see that you understand the topic etc.,
  • but now I start to think that they are indeed just looking for key phrases (I guess it is way more efficient that way to grade the exams) and I am afraid that they will not read my responses just because they are not in bullets.
  • Should I be afraid of this?

Makes no difference… but looks better with formatting