I left 4 questions blank in AM. Is there any chance? Did really good in PM.

It was really about time. Got confused with the first question and then it drageed. Did really good on the PM.

Definitely you have a chance. If you have done well on other parts of AM and overall PM, then probably you should be good. All the best!

Yeah - it seems as though you’d need ~80% on the rest of the AM questions and the PM but that’s doable. Good luck!

It depends on your AM performance, if 60% you did are 80% correct and the PM is 80%, it means (48% + 80%)/2 = 64% => Keep the hope!


You left 4 Full questions blank or 4 sub questions?

Depends on how much those questions were worth? Did you count the total minutes that you left blank?

From last years analysis of pass fail result, i noticed one thing, score of 85-90 in AM was good enough to pass if the PM was 140+.

so even if you missed 4 questions (on average 65-70 marks), you still have a good chance to pass if your PM was reasonable

But isn’t am supposed to have greater weightage

No, both AM and PM are 180 minutes = 180 points

Last year I failed at band 6, with last 3 full AM questions worth 54 points left blank, due to poor time management. Along 7 AM questions I attempted I got 4>70% and 3<50%, I estimate that I got around 80 points in AM. As to the PM session, based on my matrix, the points can range from 126 to 138. So my total overall score was close to 60% and I counted I need another 20 points or so to pass. I think if you can ace both the AM parts you attempted(ideally 5>70%) and PM( like >90% or at least 85%) you have chance.

Bro just come back in Feb/Mar… it’s not happening… Level 3 is way too competitive. Band 9/10 people are typically shocked and answered everything… I failed last year and it sucks but life goes on

You still have a chance. Last year I hadn’t done any AM mocks and poorly managed my time. I got 2 questions 50 -70 and below 50 on the rest. Basically I wrote a couple very long stupid answers and left the rest of it blank. I was in band 9. The PM scores were 9 over 70 and 1 between 50 -70. Had I answered a couple more of the AM questions, I’m expect I would have passed.


There is a post somewhere in this forum by guy who left last two AM vignettes blank and passed because he nailed PM. There are also many passed matrices with mediocre performance in AM and good performance in PM.

I don’t think it will happen. factor in sub questions you may have got wrong on the questions answered and you’re already down.

The reason why people fail is time management just as much as it is knowing the curriculum. I failed, it sucks, gd luck.