Less than 15 mins to go...

update it every 15 mins…or 5 mins…

is everyone as tensed as me, or I am the only one who has mixed multiple -ignorance, avoidance, denial -everything at same time :open_mouth:

I am in a glass case of emotion.


I successfully put my phone down for 30 mins.

its scaring, how do you get over the fear of checking the results? please suggest


We all know that there are more important things in our lives, more import then the announcement of the results tomorrow, but it is really a pain balancing the fact that we can’t change the past and hoping that we passed this beast.

This weekend my wife took my 5 yr old son to visit her mom and dad and I had my 3 yr old daughter for the weekend. Last night she had me laughing my ass off as I was trying to read her a few bedtime stories. We had a wonderful weekend together. My wife and I play man-to-man defense these days - she covers my daughter and I cover my son. So I seldom get the chance to hangout one on one with my daughter.

Today I woke up and got her off to daycare, came home and started working from home, and then realized “Holy Shit its the 7th!!!&@$!”

She had successfully pushed the CFA topic to back of my thoughts and I had not only a weekend of parenting bliss, but also one without the constant anxiety of worrying about the test outcomes.

I can’t wait for the CFA outcome to be over and for another chance to spend time with one or both my kids.

There isn’t a way to get over the fear of checking the results, except for perhaps, somehow, ignoring the event.

And I know that there is no way to do that on our own; we are all too stressed.

My daughter appears to have the power to distract even me from my concerns about this test. Maybe I showed tag her with a nickname like Wonder Woman…

p.s. One day when I was fuming over something my son had done, my daughter came into the kitchen where my wife and I were cooking dinner (and I cleaning up the mess my son made spilling paint on the floor). She pointed a finger at me and said “Dad, take a deep breath! Relax and eat nuggets!”

Maybe we should relax and eat nuggets…

Sometimes ya gotta stop and eat the nuggets.


I want to second trosser001’s post - I’m actually on vacation and will spend tomorrow at a wonderful museum with my wife … who has put up with 3 exams. Pass or fail, the important things in life are not these exams but rather family and friends.

I wish you all the very best for tomorrow!


…yes, there is life elsewhere… there is anxiety here…but there is also excitement here… 24 hours and it can be sadness… but this euphoria and excitement will also be gone…


flashforward, your last sentence hit on something I felt as I walked out of the test. I was all jacked up with the normal “IT’S OVER!!”, but then it hit me: if I pass, the learning and prep followed by a harrowing test will be gone for good; if I fail, my wife has already decreed that I will not be allowed to check out for 3/4 months doing exam prep ever again. The euphoria and excitement (of CFA exams) is gone.

F$;k, I hope I pass…

And since I likely won’t post again this evening, I wish for all of use good fortune, 'cause we don’t need luck - we have proven that we can commit, prepare, and execute. Luck is mostly for those who won’t, don’t or can’t, and as Louis Pasteur supposedly once wrote - " Chance favors the prepared mind."


Thank you for this!

It is not a big deal. It is not the end of the world. Just an exam and 3 letters, really nothing more. Pass? ok great. Not Pass? No problem. Life goes on. The most important things are your family, health, friends and You. Whatever happens tomorrow, be proud of the hard work you put on to reach this stage. You are bigger than these 3 letters!!!


hahaha. You’re crazy.

I will be doing this for a couple more hours may be…killing my time…cant work anyways…then will hand it over to whoever wants to do it…

Then ramp it up tomorrow… every 5 mins