is it in email or website - to check results


Im feeling so tensed with emotions that I forgot where do we check results,

is it in email or we login into website

if its website-where are the results posted?


Emails are sent out beginning at 9AM EST (I got mine at 10AM last year)

Posted on website the day after


The waiting stress has really taken a toll on Enigma1011 !! :slightly_smiling_face:

Tomorrow email and you can check the web-site on Wednesday if you don’t believe an email…

Just like Level I and II?

cmon, thats years ago and def I did not even bother for results until I jsut casually checked my email to see the result email.

def its way different this time

does anyone recall if people who fail get it sooner or later than people who pass? thanks

We need a new spreadsheet for this!! Lol

For levels 1 & 2, there were no patterns. My friends and I got it at different times, with mixed results as well.

It doesn’t matter, I remember to see my fail email at 9:30 but the next year passing at 10:05)

Last year I got the fail for L3 pretty early actually…like within 5 min. And that’s gmail too