Receiving your charter

Hi guys, on the CFA website, under candidate resources, can people see the category “Receiving your charter”. I dont think i could see it before. Just pure speculation but thinking if that is only visible to candidates who may have passed or is it for everyone to see?

There is also a category below called Registration Confirmation. When I click the link, i get the below.

WF_ERR_CUSTOM_1: No Registration was found for Person Id ‘#######’ in Program ‘CFA’

Could just be that registration is blocked until results are mailed out or for those who have passed as they wont be able to register again?

My hopes have gone up slightly but still purely speculative.

I got that too…not sure.

always been there

:frowning: thanks for that. can reset my expectations now.

Hi ,

I have the same but i doubt it is any indication :confused:

it means nothing, in other words after the exam we are not registered for 2017 as we took it. It might have been something if one could have seen different messages now and a month ago. the same if you decide to buy curriculum. The tell will be by the end of the day.

Well it gives me some hope for a moment

I cannot even eat right now :frowning:
