Retaker after gap of 5 years

Hi all

I am going to retake CFA level 3 after a gap of 5 years. I have been working as a financial analyst but not related to the investment industry. Do you think I will be able to remember the concepts and pass after all these years? Planning to register by next week.


well. go for it!

If you read Secret Sauce from cover to cover, I think you can do it.


Theres no accounting on level 3. I didnt notice much carry over other than ethics. Youll be good to go.

There may be some things that are easier for someone who just passed level 2 as the formulas were fresh. An example of this would be the H Model or Standard Deviation of multi asset portfolio, but these formulas will be covered again in the curriculum.

Obviously depends on the type of work you do and what you’re exposed to on a regular basis. I took a few years between L1 and L2, and then L2 and L3 due to other priorities. Fixed Income was one area on L3 where I had to go back and basically relearn what was taught in L1 and L2. You’ve got lots of time. Good luck.

I wrote L3 after 7 years break this past June. Unfortunately I failed…my advice is get studying early…it took me a while to get back to the routine of studying; in fact a bit too long to the point I left myself no time to practice tests specially under exam conditions which came to bite me in the rear as I left 3 questions in the afternoon blank due to lack of time and ended up failing band 8. I do not regret it though as it got me back into the groove of studying…Plan to start early and leave the last month for practice exams and revisions only… that is my plan. Good Luck

P.S no need to revisit L1 and L2 material unless in areas where you feel the readings in L3 are totally none sense and you need to go back and re establish your base knowledge

Minimal overlap…definitely can be done. Key is to practise a lot for the AM session (under time constraint) and make sure you practise the EOC / blue boxes across all topics and you’d do fine!

yes you can

54% say you can nail it…