Score in CFAI practice questions

What is the percentage of correct answers you are getting in the practice questions of the CFAI?

% of Correct: 72

Percentile rank: 89th

The results seem rather misleading to me. The score is not too far from the Minimum Passing Score (MPS) of 60-65%. On the other hand, the percentile rank is way above the approval rate of around 50%. Shouldn’t the percentile rank be closer to 50th? Does this mean that practice questions are harder than the actual exam?

(I have completed exactly one third 108/324 of all practice questions)

Keep going on practicing portal questions and seek to perform above 80-90%. This is a good training for PM part of exam. You have to practice AM past exams, too. Excellent PM performance is the way to pass even if your AM part is underperforming. But your PM results must be really good then.

not misleading. I suspect the sample size is very small at this point, hence, such a high percentile rank. percentile rank will decrease as more folks answer the practice questions.

I am at 84% percentile rank and 74% correct answers after completing all 324 questions.

Those numbers don’t seem odd to me at all.

MPS for level III PM for most is going to be well above 60% unless you are an AM essay superstar. Shoot for 80% in practice unless you are very confident in your essay answers.

Essay questions can be hit or miss, so you want a much stronger multiple choice score expected value to make sure you can mitigate any lower than expected AM performance - just my take.

I think you are misinterpreting this. The percentile it is showing you is based on what other candidates have been scoring on those same questions- it is not at all related to the MPS or the actual exam scores. FWIW, the percentile is high now because most people are probably scoring quite low in practice questions.

I watched the mean on Schweser mocks that I had previously taken. Not much movement. I think the same was true of Qbanks at Level 1. My point is, I was surprised that there wasn’t a clear trend in average scores on the same questions. Apparently, the people taking them very early were merely early, not much better or worse. I think the people taking the first mock very late were probably worse. However, by that point they were vastly outnumbered by everyone else who had taken that mock, and thus didn’t move the needle much.