What is the best order to study in Level 3?

I started with the sections which changed from 2017: Alternative Investments, Asset Allocations, Fixed Income. What would be the best order to continue?

Many thanks.

I’ve made the decision to study Ethics and GIPS at the very end of my preparation. With GIPS, there’s no way I’ll be able to commit some of the smaller details to long term memory… so I’ll absorb as much as possible into short term memory then purge it for the exam. With ethics being somewhat subjective/situational, I’m hoping that the feel and intuition will be the freshest in my head prior to the exam.

There’s no “best order”.

The study sessions stand alone, so study them in any order you like.

I’d suggest taking at least two passes at Ethics. What you do with GIPS is up to you.

GIPS have the quantitative and the qualitative part.

For the first one, you should be able to calculate Dietz, modified Dietz and so on, same way as you study for other quantitative parts.

For the second one, make the key assumptions notes. There are not so many of them. Eg. hierarchy in asset valuation, what should you do with carve out segments etc.

Last year, KrokodilZM posted the great summary. Try to find this post.

And one thing more…make as many TTs and EOCs as you can.