Any errors or other correct answers on 2017 AM section?

Curious if anyone has found any errors or additional correct answers that weren’t included in the 2017 AM exam? I was band 10 and did much worse on the AM than I expected leaving the test. I may scrub through the morning section and challenge answers to CFAI, but I have two babies in the house and time isn’t in my favor this year.

If anyone already has scrubbed through, wondering what you thought about answers.

what is that going to change

a) almost 6 months after the test

b) given the normal human memory - you have forgotten the questions, you have forgotten the answers you wrote, and it is your word against theirs.


c) you are asking others to talk about any inconsistencies they found?

Didn’t you hear about a few years ago when CFAI approved additional correct answers (due to candidate challenges) and ended up passing a chuck of candidates after the fact who were right on the cusp?

I’m only asking people if they’ve studied the distributed previous exam and see errors or correct answers missing. Nothing wrong with that. I’ve personally elected to not re-take the level 3 exam this year as my job and life situation doesn’t allow for it. If there’s a small chance I should have done better on the written portion than they gave me credit for, then wouldn’t you be asking the same thing?