CFAI Website

it has been 3 days that I can’t log in to the website!!


anybody ??

I am using Chrome and i can

nothing :frowning:

with Chrom the website doesnt even open!!

Forefox open the wesite, but when I log in it give me this

what shd I do ???

Try cleaning your cookies

Try restarting your computer. worked for me.

I’d suggest switching to a new browser, I have this problem when I use Opera and currently is using Chrome only to log in the cfai website

thanks a lot guys

Now it’s working this morning

it has been over then 3 days, so I almost tried everything u suggest, but wasnt working: cleared the cash, tried on 3 different browsers, tried on the phone in another PC, reset the PW …etc

I’m sure they fixed the pb when they saw the post here… so thanks to all of you and AF