Sunday Positivity--PSA


Band 9 high 50s mock guy from the 2016 L2 forum, once again chiming in with his wisdom!

i just ripped a 43/60 in vol2-exam-3 PM. If you subscribe to the schweser “progressively more difficult as you go” theorem, exam 3 in volume two is (allegedly) the toughest of the 6.

while i was taking the exam, it felt miserable. i felt like i was guessing on perhaps not every other question, but certainly every 3rd. then when i went back an graded myself, and saw that i got only 17 wrong, i realized “you know what? that actually wasnt a guess, you kinda knew that, and you got it right!”

i wouldnt have been shocked if upon grading myself, i ended up with a 36 or a 38/60, or something spelling a death sentence 6 days out.

MORAL OF THE STORY IS: keep your head up, keep mocking, keep reviewing incorrect (and correct) answers. unless youre consistently ripping 50/60s on schwesers, the exam will never “feel good” while you’re taking it. it will always feel like youre guessing on too much.

just wanted to leave yall with that positivity and encouragement. if youre a 50 AM/72 PM guy like myself, we are RIGHT THERE at the MPS. here’s to improving that to a 55/75 (a clear pass), heres to staying positive, heres to crushing the remaining 6 days so we never have to do this again!

Yes, I knew you could do it :+1:

Good Job! :slightly_smiling_face: