Total value added return

Is total value added return = portfolio returns minus manager’s benchmark (normal portfolio)

OR total value added return = portfolio returns minus asset category benchmark?

I don’t see the term in the indices of any of the 2018 Level III curriculum volumes.

In what context did you see it?

Are you asking for hedge funds, where value added return is (return on portoflio - return on manager’s benchmark)?

I was referring to the page on Type I and Type II risk, and it mentions about value added return. Also, in some of the questions on attribution, value added return was asked to be calculated. I didn’t know if “benchmark” would be manager’s benchmark or fund sponsor’s benchmark?

Going off of Q17 of the Performance Evaluation Qbank, The Total Value Added Return is: total weighted average portfolio return for each sector - total weighted average benchmark return for each sector - trading costs.

Does this help?

True Return = Manager’s Return - Normal Benchmark

Misfit Return = Normal benchmark -Misfit (investor’s) benchmark

Total active return = Manager’s Return - Misfit benchmark

In micro-attribution:

Explained Value Added Return = pure sector allocation + allocation/selection interaction + within-sector selection

Total Value Added Return = explained VA + unexplained VA = portfolio return - benchmark return

The unexplained VA is a plug when the first equation doesn’t add up to total value added.

This what you’re thinking of?

Yes. Benchmark return in your formula is manager’s benchmark return or investor’s benchmark return? The book does not mention, so I have no clue.