mock am 2018

just noticed Ethics in Essay section. I thought Ethics only in PM?

Ethics _ is _ only in the PM exam.

Except when they put it in the AM exam.

Schweser is circulating a rumor that Ethics is now eligible to be in the essay section of the exam. So I’ve actually been preparing myself for that possibility.

Are you serious? that’s bad news.

To extend this question, why is 2018 am mock is all MCQs?

Because they never publish mock exams with Essays. The Essay exams on the website are the actual exams.

curious if ethics was in the am mock last year too in such case

Yes Ethics was the first topic in last year’s AM mock (MCQ)

LOL last night i opened the AM pdf and just saw the first page. it said AM and then essay. i never skimmed through it. i was too tired i shut off everything. SOOO yea if that AM mock is MCQs theb it makes sense. Because i have a few similar to that one from last few yrs that say AM but then they end up being MCQs

Please stop reminding CFAI that they haven’t tested Ethics/GIPS in the AM session over the last 10 years, maybe?

Agreed, instead people should be posting “I hope they don’t ask us to calculate expected return using CAPM!!!”

Amen to that!

Fairly certain they’ve made probably end of last year so what we say now is probably irrelevant. CFAI is probably just chilling in Charlottesville giggling at the fact that we’re all freaking out haha.