Question 6A, 2017 AM Essay CFA LEvel III

Hey everyone,

got this question wrong but doesn’t sit right with me. maybe just my bad english.

The question asks for the return requirement for the “coming year” so if the current year is t the coming year will be t+1 in my head. no specification is given as per what time of year t we are in but it is sad that cash flows occur at the end of any given year so I assumed pension income and life expenses did not incur yet. below was my process:

  1. net assets(t)=Portfolio-RE investment+after tax cash bonus

  2. net expenses(t)=after tax pension-inflation adjusted expenses (which is 405.000 in year t as it’s 400.000 for the previous 12 months)

  3. Asset base(t)= 1)+2)

  4. net expenses (t+1)=after tax pension-inflation adjusted expenses(t+1)

  5. return requirement=3)/4)

  6. and then i adjusted for inflation

in essence my mistake was to add the net expenses to the asset base in year 1 (subtract in this case since they were negative) and then calculate the net expenses in year 2 (not touching pension income but inflating expenses) and use those as variables.

the solutions instead simply used the net assets in year t as asset base and the next expenses in year t as cash needs… but then this would be the return requirement for the CURRENT year, not the COMING year, wouldn’t it?

They state that the expenses last year were $400,000 and that she expects them to grow in the coming year by inflation. That’s your cue saying “today is December 31/January 1 and we need to calculate the return for the coming year”.

If they were to ask for the return next year, i.e. starting 12 months in the future, you would need to account for the net spending in the asset base. Because they are asking for it this year, your return requirement is going to reflect the net spending/asset base 0.

No i get what i should do in either case

but honestly i had NO IDEA i had to look for such a tiny clue like the one you gave to get this question right…i mean this is an 8 points question and they ask you for the coming year…can’t rely on such a small clue to have you assume things on which the whole result is dependent

EDIT: i feel something like this would actually favour people who have less knowledge of the correct process and would normally forget to adjust current asset base for the net expenses in the same year