Don't forget we can report what we think were errors/questions that were poorly written/or didn't have an LOS

This form is only available a few days after the exam. Feel free to report what you think were blatant errors in questions/poorly worded or didn’t have a LOS or a LOS that did not have a command word that was on the exam.

I reported 3 so far - 2 for what I thought were poorly written questions and one where a LOS did not match a question on the exam. You never know, it may get tossed out.

I reported 1 PM question in the ethic part.

I’m about to do it too. I think we are probably talking about the same ethics question

Me too and another one regarding fixed income and private wealth

2 of the ones I reported were on fixed income and private wealth - maybe we’re talking about the same ones.

Yes might be, reading your post regarding LOS it reminded me another question which should be reported (asset allocation or private wealth… don’t remember under which topic it was).

But generally I think also a very bad written exam, looks like more they want to test your english skills rather than knowledge of curriculum.

all these claims tend to insinuate that 2018 was WAYY diff than the past 10 yrs exams?

im indifferent because i didnt prepare a 100%…

I was the most prepared going into this exam than in any past level (after failing L2 twice) and this exam was way more difficult than I anticipated. I did every exam going back to 2013 and reviewed 2012 and 2011.

Between esoteric questions being asked and complicated questions that would require a normal person in an untimed environment 10+ minutes to do but only 5-6 min allotted.

No insinuation here - you are correct - wayyy harder than previous years.

It was, I did old mock until 2008 and they were much much easier: finished them always on time and never happened that I didn’t knew a question.

Me too, never been so prepared, but I have a bad feeling.

I am sure that a question was not related to any LOS of 2018. It was in 2017, because there was some debate a few weeks ago about this…

I think you’re talking about the roll yield calculation in the 2017 L3 exam. That was a relatively easy and I think low point value question. The one I am talking about (which may be the same one as you) was a worth quite a few more points and required more time than allotted.