Post Exam Stress / Mindset

I assume this is normal but I can only recall the questions I struggled with / probably lost points on which biases me to think I might get the dreaded “Not Pass” email or worse, “Band 10”. The rest of the exam is a blur.

Is anyone else in the same boat? Is this normal post exam?

Yes. It’s tough to wait so long for results but try to enjoy the summer!

It’s all in your head you just remember the bad questions and as it gets farther away from the test it just becomes the only thing you remember… your not gonna remember the 85% of the test you instantly at least had somewhat of a good idea of what the answer was and wrote it down fast because of time crunch . Enjoy summer drinks beers have fun even though I still check forums everyday lol

I think the tendency to only remember the ones you struggled with is a very real thing… so if you can only remember, say, 5-7 of the AM questions, maybe you killed the remaining ones? :slight_smile:

Good to hear. Thanks for the replies.

a little bit of a hindsight bias there eh?

I mean, we studied it for a reason right?

years ago, I had about 20 amateur fights. I seem to remember the ones where I lost the most.

i imagine this is the case most people who just took the exam

good to see everyone feeling pretty much the same!

I cant believe it’s still 7,5 weeks away