AF Passing Rate for Level III

I would expect AF members taking the level III will be higher than average.

What is your take on this?

I would say (and hope) so too

i think this is more true for levels 1 and 2. by level 3 most people are on AF, maybe not posting, but certainly lurking.

among posters, yes, i think the pass rate at level 3 is quite high. maybe in the 70s

I’ve been around for a while and I’ve compiled the actual AF pass rate (for those that post results) and it’s 19%.

Good Luck.

Seems like you are not joking; I would expect AF members to be more serious (or at least more curious) with the CFA program compared to the non-members and their passing rate cannot be lower than the overall pass %! But if you are talking based on statistics, then my assumption may not be valid :frowning_face:

The 19% is skewed downward as it includes to the no-show who pass. Exclude those and the % goes up.

Is it 19% overall for Levels 1, 2, and 3? If so, it’s twice the pass rate. In a usual year, it would be ~ 0.45 * 0.4 * 0.55.

Guys… he’s joking.

Lmao I’m happy that at least one person found the troll.

He’s a forum editor. I wouldn’t think he/she would troll :slight_smile:

Looks like most forum members posting either pass in first try or first decade so pass rate is difficult to figure out. … gives me hope, but mind the short preparation time we have for the next leg… only 11 months…last year we had 13…the odds are stacked against 2019…

Of course I was trolling. I wouldn’t consider myself “a troll” but that doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun now and then.

I do it all the time.

lol…picking at candidates at the most vulnerable time!!!

unchartered pragmatism… well at least in this thread.