Passed > 90 percentile after leaving ~20 marks in AM

For any level 3 aspirant reading this, never lose hope on leaving some questions in AM. I left 20 points blank and still ended up with >90 percentile overall with both AM & PM > 90 percentile. Never lose hope & March on! (If you do register, that is)

Same as aspop1. Exactly. Except I left more than 20 points in AM, and I didn’t get >90%…


They say imitation is highest form of flattery. Congratulations :slight_smile:

I guess you have a different definition of exactly than I do. :slight_smile:

Congrats on passing!

lol. I wanted to find some way to tailgate aspop1… but this is really about encouraging those who didn’t cross, and that it’s not the end of the world if you run out of time in the AM (like I did). For those who failed, don’t get discouraged (I’m a retaker). Get back on and the end is very close!

To Tommyjohn, it’s not easy with the family so having the wife support is everything. You can do this!

Congratulations, aspop! Despite not having relevant work experience to earn the Charter, at least you can include a most triumphant bullet at the bottom of your resume.


Me too:-) I left more than 20 points blank. In fact, I tught I had 1 question left to realize that I have 2 FAT questions instead with 10 minutes to go. I did the best I could and the rest blank. GOD ONLY KNOWS how much I would have not survive a FAILED AGAIN.

I think Ethics carried me this time. Last year band 10 with ethics 50>x<70…

Thank you #. I really hope someday I too can feel full of myself sitting in a dingy class room teaching algorithms to kids :slight_smile: